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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
A new paper from Jørgen Kjems' group at iNANO and MBG describes how expression of non-coding RNA changes during epileptic seizures in rodents.
Joseph Lyons is one of the nine talented researchers who will become a Lundbeckfonden fellow in 2020. And the grant that comes with the appointment…
The article is entitled: "The C‐terminal domains of the NMDA receptor: How intrinsically disordered tails affect signalling, plasticity, and disease".
Research assistant Dorthe Strandbygård and lab technician Bente Andersen are now affiliated to Poul Nissen’s group and will be running a mammalian…
The Nordic EMBL Partnership has written a policy paper, outlining the benefits and reasons for following the EMBL group leader model.
An article from DR (in Danish) dips into a research project from Copenhagen University focusing on the human brain in its earliest stages. DANDRITE…
The neural circuitry teams at DANDRITE and PROMEMO introduce a novel approach in their latest publication, which selectively labels sensory inputs…
In December 2019 the Lundbeck Foundation awarded grants worth DKK 232 million (USD 34 million) to leading neuroscientists in Denmark. Video interviews…
Professor Jørgen Kjems has been awarded a special Semper Ardens grant to design antiviral compounds which can bind to coronavirus and thus prevent the…
EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) at Hinxton, UK, has created the COVID-19 Data Portal to help coordinate viral genome sequence data…
Congratulations to Thibaud Dieudonné, currently postdoc in Poul Nissen’s research group, who receives the PhD thesis prize 2020 from the French…
Macarena Gomez de Salazar is employed as postdoctoral fellow for 2 years in Magnus Kjærgaard’s group, starting on May 1st, 2020. Macarena will be…
It is our great pleasure to present the DANDRITE Annual Report 2019, which covers DANDRITE's 7th year of operation.
The affiliation is a three year Post doc granted by The EU program Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Disease. The project is entitled:…
Pia Boxy will start as a research assistant in the group of Prof. Anders Nykjaer on 1 May. Pia will focus on sortilin receptors in memory formation…
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Wednesday, October 6th, at 12:00, Christian Holm will present the work of his research group in the Biomedicine Seminar Series. Christian Holm is an…
Title: "The role of patient specific alpha-synuclein aggregates in Parkinson's disease related disorders - challenge or opportunity for disease…
Do you want to meet other foreigners and at the same time learn and talk about art based on your experiences in life? You can read more about the…
The virtual conference includes talks from invited speakers, short talk presenters, digital poster sessions, online group discussions and networking…
Well-being initiative – Morten Albæk visits Biomedicine 5 October 14:00 – 14:30. You can read more about his visit here.
At this event, you will be introduced to some of the various services and functions that exist for AU employees and not least have a guided tour of…
Aarhus City Welcome 2021 is on, and you can already now get your free ticket to attend! This event brings the city together to give you the best…
This year's DANDRITE retreat will be a 2-day event held at Scandic Bygholm Park, Horsens from 30 September - 1 October 2021.
Professor, medical doctor and Nobel Laurate Bruce A. Beutler pays a virtual visit to Aarhus University. He will give a talk about his path to the…
The TTO Business Development is hosting a webinar with two experts in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery - Simon Mcdonald and Richard Hatley from…
Aarhus University International Club invites you to the upcoming AU Campus Tour. A socialising event, where you will not only get to know interesting…
Young DANDRITE YoDA is inviting you to a hybrid Career Café our guest is Juliane Martin who did her PhD at DANDRITE. She will present her journey…
DANDRITE Internal Meetings take place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE meet to give each other updates on…
Your Wednesday Boost is an offer of recurrent mindfulness sessions for researchers and spouses at AU to improve and boost your wellbeing. These…
Aarhus University International Club invites you to a day filled with science, experiments, technology and knowledge at the Steno Museum at Aarhus…
This workshop focuses on cross-cultural collaboration within the Aarhus University context. Danish and international individual researchers and groups…
Innovation Fund Denmark has announced a webinar series focused on Industrial Researcher. At the webinar, you have the opportunity to ask questions…
Title: "Structure and mechanism of brain transporters".
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News and events before October 2019: