Aarhus University Seal

Mini-Symposium on CRISPR-Cas with Professor Ben Berkhout

The Personalized Medicine Research Theme has the pleasure of inviting you to a Mini-Symposium on CRISPR-Cas with Professor Ben Berkhout.

Info about event


Friday 11 February 2022,  at 10:15 - 11:00


Lille Anatomisk” Auditorium (1231-424)


The Personalized Medicine Research Theme


10.15-10.20 am: Short introduction by Professor Thomas Corydon

10.20-10.50 am: CRISPR-Cas approaches against HIV

Professor Ben Berkhout, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Laboratory of Experimental Virology, Department of Medical Microbiology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

10.50-11.00 am: Questions

Kind regards

Thomas Corydon & Anders Børglum