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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
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DANDRITE Internal Meetings takes place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE meet to give each other updates on…
Are you looking for a neuroscience Bachelor, Master or PhD project? Then join DANDRITE Student ENCOUNTERS 2021 and get inspiration and insights on…
Your Wednesday boost are recurrent mindfulness sessions for researchers and spouses at AU to improve and boost your wellbeing, in collaboration with…
Randy M. Bruno, Associate Professor at the Department of Neuroscience and the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University, holds a…
During his studies, Samuel Hjorth-Jensen investigated the calcium pump, a protein that transports calcium and maintains large concentration…
We are happy to announce two virtual seminars as a mini-symposium on membrane transporters. Seminars are by Jette Sandholm Kastrup (from 11:00-11:30)…
During the 1-hour seminar, Cristina will talk about: “Prostaglandin receptors and kidney: Potential role of prostaglandin receptors in chronic kidney…
Dario Valenzano (PhD), Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biology and Ageing in Cologne, Germany, will give a virtual KJELGAARD lecture…
Participation in the webinar is free and open to all AU staff. You can check out the programme and find registration link here.
At this event, you will be introduced to some of the various services and functions that exist for AU employees and not least meet the rector. You can…
During her PhD studies, Sofia Trampari studied membrane protein mechanisms. Membrane proteins are fundamental molecules for the function of organisms,…
AUPA invites all PhD students to join the virtual 1-day PhD conference. This year’s theme is supervision. Through lectures and workshops, you will…
Masaki Ueno, Professor at the Department of System Pathology for Neurological Disorders at the Brain Research Institute at Niigata University in…
The PhD Day is an annual event taking place in January as a joint venture between the PhD Association and the Graduate School of Health, Aarhus…
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News and events before October 2019: