Aarhus University Seal

Research assistant appointment

- People

New publication from Keisuke Yonehara's group - Congenital nystagmus gene FRMD7 is necessary for establishing a neuronal circuit asymmetry for direction selectivity

- Research news

Arne Möller appointed Group Leader at Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt

- People

Oleg Sitsel awarded first prize in Estonian student research competition

- Awards

Oleg Sitsel awarded a 2-year EMBO Long Term Fellowship

- Awards

Duda Kvitsiani receives AUFF NOVA grant

- Awards

EI3POD funding for postdoc Azadeh Shahsavar

- Awards

Keisuke Yonehara receives grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation

- Awards

Visiting student at DANDRITE

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