Aarhus University Seal


Center for Proteins in Memory, PROMEMO, is a spin-off center of DANDRITE. PROMEMO is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation.

The core researchers of PROMEMO are all related or directly part of DANDRITE:

  • Prof. Anders Nykjaer, Director of PROMEMO, Senior Group Leader at DANDRITE
  • Prof. Jelena Radulovic, Senior Group Leader at DANDRITE
  • Prof. Poul Nissen, Director of DANDRITE, Senior Group Leader at DANDRITE
  • Assoc. Prof. Sadegh Nabavi, Group Leader at DANDRITE
  • Ass. Prof. Magnus Kjaergaard, Senior Group Leader at DANDRITE
  • Ass. Prof. Chao Sun, Group Leader at DANDRITE

The aim of PROMEMO is to identify and understand the function of memory associated proteins that determines the persistence of a memory. In a longer perspective, understanding memory-associated proteins may help identifying molecular targets for memory-associated disorders such as anxiety, depression, and dementia.