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DANDRITE Senior Group Leader Magnus Kjærgaard is among three lecturers from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics who are being honoured…
With the new chairperson, DANDRITE aims to maintain strong clinical representation on the board.
New research from DANDRITE-lab suggests that we may have been looking for the wrong markers in the brain when trying to understand and treat…
DANDRITE researchers are among the 12 selected for a prestigious entrepreneurship program aimed at advancing their groundbreaking research on cellular…
For the next few months Maria Luzia Novelli, Pharmacy Student, Federica Debernardis, Master Student and Lucia Egea Villar, Master Student will be…
How can synapses encoding an important event (like winning the lottery) strengthen neighboring synapses encoding a trivial experience (like dinner),…
A warm welcome to Vivek Sanjay Belapurkar - who is a new postdoc at Chao Suns lab. During his postdoc he will be working on a project concerning…
Give a warm welcome to the three new students Julia Sanchez, Camilla Rahbek and Amalie Foged in Gilles Vanwelleghems group!
Welcome to Lars Boye Brandt - who is a new student in Chao Suns lab. He will be doing his Master Thesis at with lab in collaboration with the Human…
Less than a year after concluding his position as group leader at DANDRITE, Mark Denham has been awarded the Lundbeck Foundation’s Frontier Grant.…
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To see further past news, press the button "Load more" The list shows news from mid October 2019 until now.
We can once again hold our program in full length over four days, with unrestricted poster sessions and comprehensive discussions. The Göttingen…
Speaker 1: Gilles Vanwalleghem, Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Vanwalleghem lab
Speaker 2: Vivek Belapurkar, postdoc, Sun lab
Discussion Leader:…
Join our 3-hour ‘crash’ session that focuses on living and working in Denmark. Danish cultural norms are examined, as well as cultural behavior within…
In connection with grants from the Lundbeck Foundation, we are pleased to welcome Prof Anthony Vernon and Prof Henning Ulrich. Please join us for an…
These free concerts and event tickets are reserved for AU International Staff at postdoc level and higher. There are two upcoming concerts; Friday, 4.…
Speaker 1: Lillian Kisiswa, Assistant Professor, Daan van Aalten Lab
Speaker 2: Kaho Itoh, PhD-student, Kitazawa lab
At the AU Workplace in Focus, you will learn more about the AU workplace, get answers to typical questions about your daily life at the university,…
30-minute introductory webinar on developing an understanding of how to celebrate diversity.
In today’s global workplace, cultural intelligence is essential for effective communication, collaboration, and leadership. Join our free 30-minute…
Ewan Birney, Deputy Director General of EMBL & Director of EMBL-EBICambridgeshire, UK, will talk about two projects. One of AI modelling of Healthcare…
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To see further upcoming events, press the button "Load more"The list shows only upcoming events.