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Welcome to the DANDRITE Alumni page!

In 2024, DANDRITE entered the 11th year of operation, and has a fast-growing number of alumni. PhDs are graduating and the many postdocs are completing their positions at DANDRITE and move to new career stages. Some DANDRITE alumni stay in academia, others go to private sector research or consulting, and some to public sector teaching and administration. Some stay within Denmark, others go abroad. In the period of 2013 and 31 December 2020, DANDRITE has a total of 123 alumni of paid employees with 29 different nationalities.  

Meet our alumni

Doing my PhD in a healthy environment like DANDRTIE made things easier. The diversity at DANDRITE makes it easier to fit in.
- Sara Elfarrash, PhD from Jensen Lab

With the experiences that DANDRITE and Aarhus University have given me, I can now discuss scientific issues more objectively.
I have been able to research on cutting edge techniques. 

- Junior Samuel Lopez Yepez, postdoc from Kvitsiani Group

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Alumni from Scientific Advisory Board

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DANDRITE Alumni Administrator

DANDRITE PhD and Postdoc alumni

Below you find two graphs of PhD and Postdoc alumni from DANDRITE showing their new affiliation after leaving DANDRITE. The statistics are calculated per 31 December 2023. The statistics include all PhD and Postdoc alumni from DANDRITE since 2013 from all Core Group Leaders, Group Leaders, and Team Leaders.