Aarhus University Seal

Our collaborators

International collaborations

Collaborate with us

In 2019 DANDRITE and Brain Research Institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to promote exchange and cooperation in research between the two institutions. 

The BRI host one of the world's largest Brain Banks - a valuable resource that houses post-mortem brain tissue samples from individuals who had various neurological disorders.  

Collaboration is key for us.
We highly value our collaborators and make great effort to foster meaningful partnerships that drive research and knowledge exchange. 

By engaging with diverse experts, both within and outside our institute, we gain fresh perspectives, unearthing new approaches to complex challenges. These collaborative endeavors enable us to tap into a wealth of collective wisdom, broadening the scope of our insights and enriching the quality of our research outcomes.

We are always open for new collaborations, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have ideas for future collaborations. 

The Nordic EMBL Partnership is a major strategic player in Europe’s molecular understanding of disease mechanisms, thanks to its complementary research expertise, outstanding research infrastructures and industry collaborations. 

The individual nodes of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine contribute the following complementary strengths:

  • DANDRITE: Molecular and translational neuroscience
  • FIMM: Human genomics, systems and precision medicine
  • MIMS: Microbial pathogenicity and molecular infection medicine
  • NCMM: Molecular mechanisms of disease

National collaborations

A new collaboration between DANDRITE and AIAS will bring the two research communities even closer, by offering new incoming Group Leaders a 2- year AIAS association and the opportunity to engage and integrate with a wider interdisciplinary and international research community at Aarhus University.