Aarhus University Seal

Annual Reports


We are honoured to present the 2023 annual report from DANDRITE – the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience and the Danish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. This year we launched it in a new digital format. 

2023 was a significant year for DANDRITE. 

First and foremost, we celebrated our 10th anniversary as a research center, marking a decade of growth, maturation and foremost, original neuroscience.

In 2023, we welcomed new talent into our research community, Thomas Dong Won Kim and Chao Sun. Together with Taro Kitazawa, who was recruited in 2022, the three Group Leaders bring ambitious and innovative research programs in epigenetics and memory, molecular organization of synapses, and development of cell states in the healthy and diseased brain.

2023 also saw the sealing of our continued collaboration with our Nordic EMBL partners in Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

Finally, I have taken the role of interim director until a new one is formally appointed. This process will be planned in close collaboration with our Board during 2024.  

We hope you will enjoy reading, exploring, and learning about our highlights from 2023 and seeing how we're evolving as a community and as a high level research center.

- Interim Director Poul Henning Jensen