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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
The Danish Society for Women in Science (DANWISE) is a non-profit organization to address gender inequality in Denmark, representing women from…
Mads Fuglsang Kjølby, affiliated Anders Nykjær's lab at DANDRITE/PROMEMO, and Ole Schmeltz Søgaard, will test the effect of Camostat Mesylate on…
Luc Nijssen has joined the Takeuchi team at the start of March. He will work
with Drs Toshiro Sakamoto and Chihiro Nakamoto in setting up the …
Postdoc Ronja Driller from Poul Nissen’s group is one out of three persons from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University…
Professor Jørgen Kjems from MBG and iNANO, and Affiliated Researcher at DANDRITE will collaborate with researchers from Health, the University of…
We are all affected by the current situation, and working from home can be a challenge. For inspiration on how to manage working from home, see the…
The new study, published yesterday in Nature Communications, was led by experts in behavioural genetics and circuit neuroscience in Drosophila at…
Simon is a new bachelor student in Poul Nissen group from January 27th. He will be working with Josephine Nissen and Thomas Sørensen on establishing a…
Amalie is a molecular biology bachelor student in Poul Nissens lab from January 28th. She will investigate the structure and activity of the lipid…
Peter Breining has been extended as postdoc from March 1 2020 until September 2022. He will investigate the function of members of the sortilin…
Sujata Mahapatra is employed as postdoctoral fellow for 2 years in Magnus Kjærgaard’s group funded by the Villum Foundation, starting on March 2nd,…
Thibaud Dieudonné has started in a postdoc position in Poul Nissen’s research group from March 2nd, 2020 to work on cryo-EM and biochemical studies of…
Mikkel Juul Thomsen started as laboratory technician trainee in group leader Poul Nissen’s lab in February 2020, where we will be supervised by Tanja…
Chihiro Nakamoto has joined Dr. Tomonori Takeuchi laboratory as a postdoc since April 2019. Dr. Takeuchi discovered that projections from the…
A new publication from the Vægter lab with former PhD student from the lab, Sara Jager, as first author unravels how injury of peripheral nerves…
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The EATRIS-Plus Summer School Organising Team is pleased to announce that the first EATRIS-Plus Summer School in Personalised Medicine will take place…
DANDRITE Internal Meetings takes place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE meet to give each other updates on…
At the MBG Young Investigator Symposium 2021 on June 1st and 2nd, you have the opportunity to tune in on 5 seminars. Join the seminars and attend some…
Your Wednesday boost are recurrent mindfulness sessions for researchers and spouses at AU to improve and boost your wellbeing, in collaboration with…
Johannes Letzkus, Professor at the Institute for Physiology, Dept. I, at the University of Freiburg in Germany, will give a virtual DANDRITE lecture…
Are you, or would you like to be, active on LinkedIn? And would you like to be able to utilise the professionals’ social media? Then here is your…
Lars Fogh Iversen has been with Novo Nordisk for more than 20 years, first as a researcher and now in leadership. He has an impressive career path…
The Nordic EMBL Partnership is welcome to join the 1st Umeå Interdisciplinary Symposium on Hypoxic Biology! You can find much more information about…
The NorMIC series of workshops aims to teach biological researchers (PhD students, postdocs and young PIs) the principles of biological microscopes…
In this event, JRA present an opportunity to listen to Diede Brunen, an Associate at BioGeneration Ventures. Diede will present an introduction to…
Due to COVID-19, the Danish BioImaging meeting in 2021 will be two-part – One virtual 2 day event 19-20 May and a physical meeting at DTU in the fall.…
The researchers from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics will present their research projects to Bachelor, Project and Master students.…
Their fourth webinar for 2021 is aimed at early career researchers who are curious about the option of doing a postdoc in industry. They have invited…
Sarah Melzer from the Department of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School will held a Neuroscience Seminar entitled: "Peptidergic modulation of…
The seminar series is entitled: “Sensory pathways governing locomotion and appetitive behaviour”. The series is organised by Claire Wyart and Hiromu…
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News and events before October 2019: