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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
With the onsite 2020 EMBL Course and Conference programme paused, we invite you to take advantage of the new ways in which EMBL’s high-quality…
The Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine has been awarded 2.5 million NOK by NordForsk as part of their ‘Nordic Research Infrastructure…
Four researchers who should have been presenting at the Festival of Research 2020 have recorded their presentations and are now available for you to…
In March, Ernst-Martin Füchtbauer was elected president of the largest international society for people working with genetically modified animals,…
Their article is entitled "A segregated cortical stream for retinal direction selectivity" and has been highlighted in an article on Videnskab.dk.…
The Denham lab has generated an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line from fibroblasts of a clinically diagnosed 70-year old female Parkinson's…
Alena Salasova from Prof. Anders Nykjaer’s lab has been extended as a postdoc from April 30th, 2020 until April 30th, 2022. She will investigate the…
Thomas will be develping organoid and X-ray imaging technologies at the Department of Engineering.
Dr. Sara ElFarrash defended on March 25th her phd thesis “Alpha-synuclein and Parkinson’s disease: A target for future neuroprotective therapy” at…
The Danish Society for Women in Science (DANWISE) is a non-profit organization to address gender inequality in Denmark, representing women from…
Mads Fuglsang Kjølby, affiliated Anders Nykjær's lab at DANDRITE/PROMEMO, and Ole Schmeltz Søgaard, will test the effect of Camostat Mesylate on…
Luc Nijssen has joined the Takeuchi team at the start of March. He will work
with Drs Toshiro Sakamoto and Chihiro Nakamoto in setting up the …
Postdoc Ronja Driller from Poul Nissen’s group is one out of three persons from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University…
Professor Jørgen Kjems from MBG and iNANO, and Affiliated Researcher at DANDRITE will collaborate with researchers from Health, the University of…
We are all affected by the current situation, and working from home can be a challenge. For inspiration on how to manage working from home, see the…
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Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF) are inviting you to a webinar about the fund’s instruments and application procedures. At the webinar you can hear…
Aarhus University will once again participate in the DHL Relay Race. It’s time to dust off your trainers and mark your calendar for a cosy evening…
The first Biomedicine Seminar of this semester is on Wednesday the 1st of September, where Felicity Davis will present the work of her research group.…
Abstract submission deadline for the 4th cryoNET Symposium in Umeå is 31st August. You can find the event here.
Whether you are newly arrived in Aarhus or you are almost a local, all internationals in the city and their families are invited to this cheerful…
Young Dandrite would like to invite you to our first picnic style social event of the season after a well-deserved vacation! Join us for an afternoon…
Tinna Ventrup Stevnsner has been appointed professor at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. On that occasion, colleagues and friends are…
Title: "Structural and functional mechanisms of allosteric NMDA receptor modulation".
Do not miss this exciting week in the city of Aarhus. For 10 days all streets are filled with art, music, and endless cultural events for all…
DANDRITE Internal Meetings take place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE meet to give each other updates on…
The symposium organizing committee is pleased to invite you to attend the virtual UCMR Infection and Cancer Symposium on 24 August.
From August we are back after summer vacation and can meet again with our colleagues. This calls for a celebration! You are therefore invited to NAT’s…
Innovation Fund Denmark has announced a webinar series focused on Industrial Researcher. At the webinar, you have the opportunity to ask questions…
The NorDoc Summer School takes place in Copenhagen on 16-20 August 2021 and this year the topic is: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Career…
AU Summer Course in Translational Psychobiology for bachelor students organized by Professor at Department of Biomedicine and DANDRITE Affiliated…
The Expat Partner Programme invites all its members to a cosy afternoon, with some drinks and light snacks. This is the perfect opportunity to meet in…
This summer, Tivoli Friheden invites you to Denmark’s largest flower festival. Every day in July, inspiring activities and events will take place in…
Your Wednesday boost are recurrent mindfulness sessions for researchers and spouses at AU to improve and boost your wellbeing, in collaboration with…
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News and events before October 2019: