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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
Prof. Thomas Willnow has been awarded a DKK 50 mio. Novo Nordisk Foundation Laurate grant and will start at Department of Biomedicine on 1 December…
DANDRITE Core Group Leader Poul Henning Jensen and his research group have received a 100000 $ grant from the Michael J Fox Foundation
IDNC Annual Report 2018 – 2019
Gülberk Bayraktar is a new student intern in the Takeuchi Lab. Gülberk is in Aarhus as part of her translational neuroscience master study at the…
Associate Professor Christian B. Vægter and Professor Poul Henning Jensen have received a 280000 DKK grant from the Danish Parkinson’s Foundation.
The article is entitled: "Generation of eight human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from Parkinson's disease patients carrying familial…
Mark Denham has received a 100,000 DKK grant from the Danish Parkinson's foundation (Parkinsonforeningen) for the project titled: Identifying Genetic…
Noemi Mermet-Joret continues as postdoc in Group Leader Sadegh Nabavi's group per 29 October 2019 until end October 2021. Noemi is working with…
The article is entitled: "Transcriptomic Profiling of Porcine Pluripotency Identifies Species-specific Reprogramming Requirements for Culturing…
The article is entitled: "Effective concentrations enforced by intrinsically disordered linkers are governed by polymer physics". Click here to read…
DANDRITE Affiliated Researcher, Christian Vægter, has received a grant that supports his research in chronic nerve pain.
Kristoffer recently returned to the group from a year in Morris’ lab in Edinburgh, where he did in vivo studies of hippocampus-dependent memory in…
The title of the article is: Spatiotemporally Asymmetric Excitation Supports Mammalian Retinal Motion Sensitivity”. Find it here.
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Your Wednesday boost are recurrent mindfulness sessions for researchers and spouses at AU to improve and boost your wellbeing, in collaboration with…
Louise Laursen, PhD student at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology at Uppsala University in Sweden, will give a Virtual DANDRITE…
Morten Overgaard is JCS fellow at AIAS and professor in cognitive neuroscience at CFIN. The title of the lecture is: “Consciousness and Cognitive…
The Danish Science Festival is an annual week-long festival taking place in April. The festival is comprised af more then 700 lectures and events…
Kazumasa Tanaka, Assistant Professor at the Memory Research Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan, will…
DANDRITE Internal Meetings takes place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE meet to give each other updates on…
In this first ever Nobel Laureate Talk, Peter C. Agre, will talk about the path to the Nobel Prize as well as topics including motivation, challenges,…
Qualifying exam by PhD student Sara Basse Hansen from Kjærgaard Group, Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics. The exam will take place online.
Allan-Hermann Pool from the Division of Biology and Biological Engineering at California Institute of Technology will held a Neuroscience Seminar…
PhD Career Day's special edition in 2021: Virtual PhD Career Week (20-22 April). PhD Career Day is an annual event where young researchers can learn…
Christian Broberger, Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Stockholm University, will give a virtual DANDRITE lecture titled:…
Pascale Cossart from the Pasteur Institute in France will give a virtual talk entitled: "Infection Biology in the era of microbiomes: the Listeria…
Join for a 1-hour session, where applicants for ODIN's second call round can ask the 5 grant holders about their tips and tricks regarding ODIN…
The next virtual Kjeldgaard speaker is Professor Daniel Kronauer, PhD, from the Laboratory of Social Evolution and Behavior at The Rockefeller…
Get to know best practices from the first round of ODIN and get an insight in which legal issues to be aware of before applying for ODIN. You can read…
Prof. Per Borghammer from the Department of Nuclear Medicine & PET at Aarhus University Hospital will held a Biomedicine Seminar entitled:…
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News and events before October 2019: