Aarhus University Seal

How do you write the best funding application?

Four inspirational events help new and experienced researchers get ready to apply for funding from the EU and the Innovation Fund Denmark. The first meeting is November 30 from 15-16.

Info about event


Tuesday 30 November 2021,  at 15:00 - 16:00


AIAS + online


  • Hans Erik Bøtker (chairman)
  • Ditte Demontis
  • Martin Tolstrup
  • The Research Support Unit


The purpose is to focus on the instrument and to discuss the applicants' challenges in relation to participating in consortium applications to the EU.


  • Welcome: Hans Erik Bøtker
  • Presentation 1 (15 min.): D. Demontis
  • Presentation 2 (15 min.): M. Tolstrup
  • FSE presentation (5 min.): FSE employee.
  • Collection (10 min.)
  • Sandwich + network (15 min.)

Attend online at: https://panopto.au.dk/Panopto/Pages/Sessions/List.aspx?folderID=4f2a37df-3330-48a0-9712-adc700b19ac6

If one of your ambitions is to write a qualified funding application, then you will find plenty of inspiration at the four events. There will be presentations by researchers who have already succeeded in obtaining funding from the programme in question, and one of the meetings will also feature a guest from the Innovation Fund Denmark.

You can attend all four meetings at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies - 1630, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, or you can participate online.

Everyone is welcome – also if you are just curious about what applying involves.