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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
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Would you like to learn more about Danish culture and why Danes do the things they do? Our cultural awareness workshops are designed to give you…
Join us at Aarhus University, where 4 talented female leaders will tell their personal stories about being a woman in a leadership position. The role…
The seminars are open to everyone interested. No sign up or course registration is needed for DANDRITE researchers. The seminars are part of the…
Join us for the 21st Anniversary of the annual EMBL PhD Symposium. Since its conception in 1999, the EMBL PhD Symposium has evolved into a highly…
Female researchers receive only a smaller part of the funding from Danish research funds. In addition, the success
rate for females is lower than the…
ST task group appointed by the Faculty Management hereby invites all ST Faculty Management members,
all ST group and research leaders, all faculty,…
The graduate course addresses multidisciplinary cellular and system neuroscience, tackling mechanisms of network operations in behaviourally- and…
Talk by Norbert Hajos, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary and Francesco Ferraguti, Dept.…
The Brain Research Institute from Niigata University, Japan, will be visiting DANDRITE on 25 November 2019. On this occasion a mini symposium will be…
DANDRITE Internal Meetings takes place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE meet to give each other updates on…
Armin Lak will give a talk on "Dopaminergic and prefrontal basis of learning from sensory confidence and reward value"
A DANDRITE organising committee representing the Nykjær, Takeuchi & Denham groups wish to invite you to le Tour de Skou
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of molecular medicine topics relevant to: Disease mechanisms and development, Translational medicine…
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News and events before October 2019: