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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
André Walter starts the 15 August as new Center Manager on a part time basis. He will help managing PROMEMO while Susanne Schousboe Sjøgaard is on a…
Sara Sejer Sørensen started 15 August as a new research assistant in Thomas Kim's lab. She will participate in projects using animal models and…
Duda Kvitsiani succeeded in exploring the brain's decision-making system, thereby contributing new knowledge to his field. He could not have achieved…
Ida Kjærsgaard Grene will be a part of Magnus Kjærgaards group from 1st of August as a PhD-student. During her phd she will be working with de novo…
From 1 August, Anissa Hammi is new PhD-student in Professor Poul Henning Jensen's Lab. She will focus on the investigation of the downstream processes…
Laís is a new intern from Nabavi's Laboratory. She is enrolled in a multi-level analysis project involving the mechanisms underlying epigenetic…
Et patent på en helt ny forskningsmetode baner vejen for en revolutionerende behandlingsmetode af Parkinsons-patienter, som kan genoprette bevægelse…
Applications are invited for a one-year postdoc position with possibilities for extension in the field of molecular neurobiology based on in situ…
The primary objective of Sophia's research is to investigate the dynamics of dopamine (DA) release from locus coeruleus
(LC) axons in the hippocampus…
We welcome Julian Alexander Schreiber as visiting postdoc in Poul Nissen's research group from the University of Münster, Germany. Julian will be…
Pick up the latest news from DANDRITE, our research and activities.
Finalising the Spring season of the DANDRITE Community Meetings, DANDRITE hosted a poster session featuring all who has presented at the bi-weekly…
Over the past six years, Professor Yang Dan from the University of California has witnessed DANDRITE evolve into a highly impactful scientific…
Michael Tsz Fung Woo succesfully defended his PhD-thesis titled "The neural representation of sequence in the medial prefrontal cortex" on Monday 17…
We welcome William Batista dos Santos as a new postdoc in Poul Nissen's research group. William will be working with a project, where he combines…
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At the Young Neuroscience Career Event, we are launching a new Mentorship Programme for neuroscientists at Aarhus University and Aarhus University…
This Thursday the program is as follows below.
Speaker 1: Pia Boxy, Postdoc, Nykjær Lab
Speaker 2: Lene Vase, Professor, The Department of…
The lecture will be followed by coffee, cake and then a PhD session from 14:30-15:00.
During the course the students will be introduced to the most important neurobiological systems (neuroanatomical and
neurophysiological). They will…
How to measure Body-Brain Waves and how to investigate Body-Brain interactions? In this Summer School, we will learn how to expand our experimental…
Do you want to join a club in Aarhus but do not know precisely what you’re looking for? Or perhaps you’re having trouble deciding between soccer or…
You are all invited to this outreach event at Aarhus University, with MAX IV in collaboration with the Novo Nordisk Foundation, which aims to spur…
This webinar focuses on the intersection of Indigenous knowledge and neuroscience, highlighting the systemic challenges that neuroscientists from…
International Training Course in bridging light microscopy and biomedical imaging communities together.
Get ready for the biggest event for internationals in Aarhus. Aarhus City Welcome is all about giving you the best information and inspiration to…
Come to broaden your social circle by having an after-work drink with other people from around Aarhus. Join us at the beginning for a quick pub-quiz…
This Thursday the program is as follows below and please note that this DCM will be 30 minutes longer.
Speaker 1: Sadegh Nabavi, Ass. Professor and…
Title of talk: “Beyond individual protein conformations – How multimodal conformational landscapes underpin the function and pharmacology of pumps and…
Associate Professor, Yuya Hayashi will speak about the topic Cellular Health, Intervention and Nutrition. The event will be held in Nucleus…
All DANDRITE postdocs, assistant professors and PhD students are invited to a Workshop on supervision. The purpose is to increase your flexibility as…
The seminar is titled 'Deciphering the epigenetic landscape of the brain: Innovations in chromatin profiling with single-cell nano-CUT&Tag'
Postdoc Jemila Peter Gomes from the Thomas Willnow lab will be presenting, and we are delighted to have Associate Professor Mai Marie Holm as the PI…
DHL Relay Fun Run is an event that runs from 3 days in August and on the 22nd DANDRITE have employees participated in the DHL Relay Fun Run.…
Health invites you to the faculty party once again and we look very much forward to seeing all of you!
Doors will open at 5 pm so please join us for…
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News and events before October 2019: