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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
On March 25th we had to say farewell to Jette Bank Lauridsen. Thank you Jette for 21 years of excellent technical assistance and very good company. We…
As of 1 April, Dongik will start as Assistant Professor in Nykjær Group. He will continue his work on the roles of sortilin in emotion and memory…
The publication reports on the studies of the amino acid transporter MhsT and provides important clues to moelcular mechanisms of specificity yet as…
March 15, Helene Bandsholm Leere Tallaksen successfully defended her thesis “Characterization of cell models to study Parkinson's disease”. Well done…
In this feature, Junior, postdoc from Kvitsiani Group, sheds a light on the field of his research, his career path, and how he has used the skills and…
The article shows the effect of Camostat and the metabolite GBPA in cell system and lung organoids. It is published in Ebiomedicine by The Lancet. The…
Rune Nguyen Rasmussen from the Yonehara Group made an excellent defence of his PhD dissertation entitled “On the contributions of retinal direction…
The paper is made in collaboration with Prof. N. Pavese and Prof. E. Tolosa. You can find more information and a link to the publication here.
Glycine can stimulate or inhibit neurons in the brain, thereby controlling complex functions. Unraveling the three-dimensional structure of the…
A paper from Keisuke Yonehara’s lab entitled “Rapid multi-directed cholinergic transmission in the central nervous system” has been published in…
As of 1 March Benedicte will be taking over Jette’s tasks in Poul Henning Jensen's group which are both administrative and experimental. The…
Assistant Professors Nelson Ferreira and Nádia Pereira Gonçalves from Poul Henning Jensen and Christian Bjerggaard Vægter laboratories, respectively,…
View DANDRITE Group Leader Mark Denham introduce the MiCO Platform Project and its aim in this video. The MiCO Platform Project is one of the first…
Postdoc Thibaud Dieudonné from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University receives the highly prestigious Marie…
In this feature, Emil Gregersen, PhD student from Poul Henning Jensen's group, sheds a light on the field of research of his PhD, and the skills and…
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Takeshi Sakurai, who is Professor and Vice Director of the International Institute of Integrative Sleep Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Japan, will…
Your Wednesday Boost is an offer of recurrent mindfulness sessions for researchers and spouses at AU to improve and boost your wellbeing.
Professor of Neuroscience and Group Leader at EMBL Rome, Santiago Rompani will give a lecture, titled 'Integration and modulation of visual…
DANDRITE Internal Meetings take place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE meet to give each other updates on…
The two seminars will be given by Lars Dyrskjøt Andersen and Caroline Adolphsen. Sign up is required. Coffee and cake will be served after the…
Are you mastering a research technique that you’ve been asked to teach others? Then you know that it can be difficult to explain by text articles or…
On Tuesday 19 April 2022, a DANDRITE Symposium will be held online via Zoom. Find the program here.
The Organizing Committee wishes to update you on the decision to postpone the Synuclein Meeting 2021 to a later date. The next Synuclein Meeting will…
This year, DANDRITE invites you with spouses and kids to an Easter get-together!
The yearly meeting between Young DANDRITE and the DANDRITE Management. The purpose of the meeting is to assess how the young researchers at DANDRITE…
NAD invites all interested PhD supervisors at Aarhus University to an information meeting on 31 March.
You are all invited to a MEMBRANES lunch seminar with Prof. Pablo J. Sáez. Please see attachment.
Have you also been wondering what happens to all the waste that we produce in the lab? How is the waste taken care of in this new building? What…
On 28 March Prof. Morten Sommer from DTU will give a talk entitled "Towards Advanced Microbiome Therapeutics". The talk is hosted by Marina…
We are planning to go to Studenterhuset to get a beer …or more ;) Everyone is welcome to join, bring your friends, colleagues, and your HAPPY Friday…
The lecture entitled ”Another Round – Receptor crossing in BBB.” Registration deadline is 18 March.
An introductory webinar to how to do your taxes in Denmark, with special focus on the Researcher Tax Scheme and the PhD situation.
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News and events before October 2019: