DANDRITE and PROMEMO attended Festival of Research 2021 online
This year, DANDRITE and PROMEMO were well represented at the Festival of Research, as several researchers had signed up for the "Book a Scientist" programme and offered free, online talks. Affiliated Researcher Jørgen Kjems also offered a live speed lecture.

A part of the festival is the "Book a Scientist" programme, in which it is possible to have a researcher come to your institution to give a talk for free. Every year approximately 300 researchers sign up to the program. This year, the "Book a Scientist" programme was converted to a virtual format and offered more than 200 online talks on various subjects. Below you can se a list of the lectures offered by DANDRITE and PROMEMO researchers:
Poul Nissen, Professor, offered a lecture entitled: "Liv – fra atomer til menneske"
Magnus Kjærgaard, Associate Professor, offered a lecture entitled: "Hukommelsens molekyler"
Meike Sieburg, Postdoc in Capogna Lab, offered a lecture entitled: "Psychoactive substances – old curse or new blessing?"
Andrea Moreno, Postdoc in Nabavi Lab, gave a lecture entitled: "The biology of forgetting: How do we create and lose memories, and why?"
Gülberk Bayraktar, Research Assistant in Takeuchi Lab, offered a lecture entitled: "To remember or not to remember? – On how novelty can influence our memories"
Emma Louth, Postdoc in Capogna Lab, gave a lecture entitled: "Pay attention!"
Mikhail Paveliev, Postdoc in Nykjær Lab, offered a lecture entitled: "Fear memories, Pavlov’s dog and brain plasticity – how do these work together?"
Jørgen Kjems, Professor and DANDRITE Affiliated Researcher, offered a live speed lecture entitled: "Skræddersyet medicin til effektiv behandling af COVID-19"
You can read more about PROMEMO at The Danish Science Festival here