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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
Title of the PhD dissertation: “Stimulus-dependent labeling of neuronal ensembles pattern and circuit connectivity using viral TRAP strategy.”
Keisuke Yonehara is head of the Spatially Asymmetric Neural Circuits in Visual System group at DANDRITE. Here, Dr. Yonehara describes how his time at…
The research article “α-Synuclein pathology in Parkinson disease activates homeostatic NRF2 anti-oxidant response” is published in the journal Acta…
One of Scandinavia’s most prestigious research honours, the Anders Jahre Medical Prize, has been conferred on Professor Poul Nissen of Aarhus…
Cell viability require that a variety of functions at the cell membrane are maintained properly. P-type ATPases translocate substrates across the…
In this video showcase of EMBL Hamburg's scientific services and facilities, Azadeh Shahsavar from Poul Nissen's group explains how the collaboration…
You can read about the latest E-newsletter from DANEMO (June edition) here.
It is our great pleasure to present the DANDRITE Annual Report 2020, which covers DANDRITE's 8th year of operation.
Bianka is new intern in Takeuchi Team per 1 June. She will be helping Kristoffer Højgaard with behavioural testing of memory. The experiment relates…
Dragos is new postdoc in Nykjær Group per 1 June. He will work on the SorCS3 receptor of the Vps10p-domain family and its role in cellular signaling…
Sean is new Student Assistant in Philipsborn Group per 1 June. He is completing his bachelor studies in Molecular medicine at AU and is currently…
The research article “Prodromal neuroinvasion of pathological α-Synuclein in brainstem reticular nuclei and white matter lesions in a model of…
The research article “Multiple system atrophy-associated oligodendroglial protein p25α stimulates formation of novel α-synuclein strain with enhanced…
Vasilis Theologidis is new ERASMUS Master Student in Poul Henning Jensen's group as of 17 May 2021. Vasilis is a Master Student from the Department of…
Alex Harvey started as research assistant on 1 May 2021 in a shared position between Hanne Poulsen, Poul Nissen, and Magnus Kjærgaard’s laboratories. …
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The last Internal Meeting of the Spring will be held as a poster session with posters from this semester's presenters.
Nicola Pavese, Clinical Professor in Nuclear Medicine and PET at Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, will give an inaugural lecture.
A CRO can assist you in a multitude of ways, but it can be hard to understand exactly how and why you as a researcher should work with a CRO.
Drawing ideas from others’ successful experiences. Event by the AU Junior Researcher Association.
Yasunori Hayashi, Professor at the Department of Pharmacology at Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, will give a virtual DANDRITE lecture…
Registration deadline: 2 June 2022
Novozymes and the Novo Nordisk Foundation invites to their annual Novozymes Prize Symposium to raise awareness of basic biotechnological research and…
Your Wednesday Boost is an offer of recurrent mindfulness sessions for researchers and spouses at AU to improve and boost your wellbeing.
Alberto Cruz-Martin, Assistant Prof. of Biology and Pharmacology at Boston University, is visiting and giving a DANDRITE Topical Seminar. It is titled…
This year we will have a combined DANDRITE SAB & retreat meeting. The event will be held at Aarhus University's conference facility Sandbjerg Manor.
Registration deadline is Friday 27 May 2022
Young researchers can learn more about their career prospects, meet with companies and network. The event is open for PhDs and junior researchers from…
Opening symposium for EMBL Imaging Centre. Registration deadline is 29 April 2022.
FIMM warmly welcomes EMBL Director General Edith Heard to Finland and celebrates the occasion with an afternoon minisymposium capturing the unique…
ODIN would like to share their experiences with you through their five grant holders from ODIN's first call round, including DANDRITE Group Leader…
This course is interested in the following question: How can the brain be far smarter than a supercomputer yet consume 100,000-fold less space and…
Talk by Matt McGinley, Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas) entitled: "Towards a mechanistic understanding of arousal and…
The Umeå Hypoxia Research Facility (UHRF) is hosting the 2nd Umeå Symposium on Hypoxic Biology and you are welcome to participate at this online…
DANDRITE Internal Meetings take place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE meet to give each other updates on…
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News and events before October 2019: