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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
Astrid Munk has recently finished her masters in Applied Philosophy at Aalborg University and Business Economics at Aarhus University. She will be…
The study titled: “Direction selectivity in retinal bipolar cell axon terminals”, has been published online in Neuron. You can read more about the…
Alex's studies will focus on understanding the role of 3'UTRs in the neuronal trafficking of mRNAs with specific focus on the NMDAR transcripts.…
She will be working with receptor complexes of the sortilin family using cryo-EM and other biophysical and cell biological methods. Louise has her PhD…
She will be working with glycine transporter GlyT1 of the SLC6 neurotransmitter symporter family and chloride transporters of the SLC12 familiy
In this review article, the authors discuss recent developments on the hypothesis regarding trans-synaptic propagation of α-syn pathology in the…
The review article “Alpha-synuclein research: defining strategic moves in the battle against Parkinson’s disease” by a group of senior Parkinson’s…
Tamara begins her internship per 2 August. She is studying the bachelor's degree program Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology in Krems, Austria,…
Pia will start as PhD Student in Nykjær Group per 1 August. She will be working on sortilin receptors in neuronal development and memory formation and…
Tim will start as new Erasmus Student in Nykjær Group per 1 August. He will be investigating and evaluating mouse behaviour related to sortilin…
Kawtar starts as Student Assistant in Philipsborn Group per 1 July. She will continue her work of performing experiments with Drosophila genetics and…
Celine will also start as new Student Assistant in Yonehara Group per 1 July. She is studying a bachelor of Molecular Biology, where she has completed…
Esther Helga starts as new Student Assistant in Yonehara Group per 1 July. She is studying a bachelor of Molecular Biology at Aarhus University.…
You can read about the latest E-newsletter from DANEMO (July edition) here.
DANDRITE Group Leader, Anne von Philipsborn, has been appointed full Professor in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience at the Faculty of Science and…
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Health invites you to the attend the annual faculty party on Friday 19 August 2022. Deadline for signing-up: Monday 8 August.
On Friday 19 August, visiting professor Sumantra "Shona" Chattarji, National Centre for Biological Sciences,…
Aarhus University once again invites all AU employees to join their colleagues for a run or walk. Registration has closed.
Islam Faress' PhD defence, Thursday 18 August 2022
Virtual DANDRITE Lecture by Vladyslav Vyazovskiy entitled "Local and global aspects of sleep regulation"
Registration for the International Congress for Neuroethology from 24 - 29 July 2022 is open!
Bachelor's level 5 ECTS summer course held at Aarhus University from 11-29 July 2022. The course is organised by DANDRITE affiliated researcher Jelena…
The research unit 'Interneuron plasticity' is hosting a conference with talks from many leaders in cellular & systems neuroscience. The symposium is…
Registration deadline is Wednesday 22 June 2022
We are pleased to announce that the PhD Day 2022 will take place on 24 June 2022.
At this webinar there will be opportunity for asking questions about terms and application for the Industrial Researcher programme.
Themes are gender equality, motivation and well-being
Your Wednesday Boost is an offer of recurrent mindfulness sessions for researchers and spouses at AU to improve and boost your wellbeing.
Online registration and abstract submission is open online between 15 January - 31 May 2022.
Registration deadline is Thursday 16 June 2022
Prof. Finn L Aachmann will give a talk about NMR spectroscopy as a tool for investigating protein structures and their function.
Webinar about Inovationsfondens Grand Solutions Programme.
The two seminars will be given by Torben Heick Jensen and Jacob Giehm Mikkelsen. Please bear in mind that registration is mandatory.
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News and events before October 2019: