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Events from mid October 2019 until present:
(See news and events before October 2019 below)
A paper from Keisuke Yonehara’s lab entitled “Rapid multi-directed cholinergic transmission in the central nervous system” has been published in…
As of 1 March Benedicte will be taking over Jette’s tasks in Poul Henning Jensen's group which are both administrative and experimental. The…
Assistant Professors Nelson Ferreira and Nádia Pereira Gonçalves from Poul Henning Jensen and Christian Bjerggaard Vægter laboratories, respectively,…
View DANDRITE Group Leader Mark Denham introduce the MiCO Platform Project and its aim in this video. The MiCO Platform Project is one of the first…
Postdoc Thibaud Dieudonné from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University receives the highly prestigious Marie…
In this feature, Emil Gregersen, PhD student from Poul Henning Jensen's group, sheds a light on the field of research of his PhD, and the skills and…
The grant extends the ambitious neuroscience research initiative in Denmark and provides DANDRITE with the opportunity to continue until 2028. The…
DANDRITE Group Leader Mark Denham is part of the team behind the MiCO Platform project aiming to develop an alternative to the animal models currently…
Sofie Møller Bonde Larsen is new Laboratory technician trainee in the groups of Nissen, Kjærgaard, and Poulsen.
Mads B. Nielsen is new Laboratory technician trainee in the groups of Nissen, Kjærgaard, and Poulsen.
Simon Arvin, who is Student Worker in Yonehara Group, has been awarded Health’s Student Research Prize 2021 for his project titled: “EyeLoop – an…
The paper reports two genome-wide significant loci and potential risk genes with inherent roles in neurodevelopment including SIM1 and PRDM13. You can…
Ea Jensen is studying Molecular Medicine and is joining the Nykjær group for one year as of February 1st. Ea has received a scholarship stipend from…
Two group leader positions in Molecular and Translational Neuroscience are available at the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience -…
Rune Nguyen Rasmussen and Akihiro Matsumoto et al. from Keisuke Yonehara’s lab have published a paper entitled “Binocular integration of retinal…
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The two seminars will be given by Doug Speed from the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, and by Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen from the…
At this seminar, Emma Börgeson and Stephan Lange will present their research in the Biomedicine Seminar Series.
What are my employment conditions? And what does the rector think I need to know about the university? You will get answers to these and more…
UIC Night Out is a monthly event for international staff at AU and their families and friends. Check it out here.
Webinar with Emma Louth and Anders Høeg Lammers that teaches you how to communicate your research to the public.
DANDRITE will host the 11th annual meeting of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. The meeting will be held online from 31 January - 2…
DANDRITE Internal Meetings take place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE meet to give each other updates on…
New in town? Where do you find practical information about life in Aarhus and Denmark? How do you build a social network? And what about Danish…
SciLifeLab is a national infrastructure within life science available for researchers in academia, healthcare, and industry. SciLifeLab Infrastructure…
Health’s annual PhD Day takes place on 21 January 2022 and is a joint venture between the PhD Association and the Graduate School of Health, Aarhus…
Rune W. Berg, Associate Professor at the Department of Neuroscience at University of Copenhagen, will give a DANDRITE lecture titled "A new theory for…
Your Wednesday Boost is an offer of recurrent mindfulness sessions for researchers and spouses at AU to improve and boost your wellbeing. These…
Are you a new staff member at Aarhus University? Do you have questions to your employment, pension schemes or tax schemes? Then this webinar is for…
Join us for the 23nd Anniversary of the annual EMBL PhD Symposium. Since its conception in 1999, the EMBL PhD Symposium has evolved into a highly…
The symposium will take place on 16 and 17 December 2021 at the Institut Necker Enfants Malades (INEM), in Paris, France. Read more about the program…
UPDATE: THE MEETING TAKES PLACE VIA ZOOM. At this information meeting the Lundbeck Foundation Grants and Prizes team will present the foundation…
The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics holds a PhD Career Day in collaboration with AU Career. The purpose is to increase PhD Students and…
The event is sadly cancelled!
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News and events before October 2019: