Aarhus University Seal

DANDRITE Community Meetings

Aim of DANDRITE Community Meetings

DANDRITE Community Meetings take place every second Thursday from 9-10 am, where all staff and students at DANDRITE and DANDRITE affiliated groups meet to give each other updates on the research done at DANDRITE or invite external speakers to facilitate interaction and collaborations among the groups and across disciplines.

At each meeting 2 persons present their research. All attendees can use the meetings to ask for advice on specific research questions and new ideas, since there is time for general messages and for everybody to ask questions after the research presentations.

Bread and coffee will be served at the meetings from 8:45, and everyone is welcome to come and have breakfast already from then. Please feel free to consume your bread and coffee during the meeting as well.

Guidelines for presenters

  • Each speaker have max. 25 minutes available (including time for questions thus, remember to make time for questions and discussion)
  • Please start with a short presentation of yourself, your lab and the research focus of your lab
  • Please state very clearly what you are working with, aims and, if appropriate, your working hypothesis in the beginning of your presentation.
  • Please include 1-2 slides about your research method
  • The last slide of the presentation should include future research directions for the coming six months. The slide can also include questions to the audience. Examples of questions can be to ask for help or input on the development of a new method, how to design an experiment for a specific problem, or what can be deduced from puzzling results.

Feedback: At the conclusion of the meeting all speakers are asked to meet for 5 minutes with group leaders and team leaders, who will provide feedback on the presentation - what worked well, and what could be changed. Please use this as an opportunity to get feedback on new ideas, input for problem solving, show details of recent progress, etc. If you are new or just started a new project talk about project plans. If you are writing, then use the possibility to get feed-back on thoughts, discussion, structure, setup etc. Make sure to clearly state take home messages, and emphasize your expertise in methods and know how.

If unable to present: Planned speakers are themselves responsible to swap with another from their group or the speakers list, if needed. Last minute cancellations has to be informed to the Group Leader, the chair and Research Group Coordinator Rikke Lindhard.

Send your presentation: Please send your presentation to Rikke Lindhard (rsl@dandrite.au.dk) prior to the meeting, or bring the presentation on a USB stick, or on your own computer to present from.

Guidelines for discussion leaders

  • Your duty is to introduce the speaker (name, lab affiliation, presentation title) and moderate questions during and after the talks 
  • Be prepared to ask questions yourself
  • Your duty is to manage the time and signal if the presenter is going over time
  • Please remind Group Leaders and speakers to meet afterwards for feedback

If you cannot lead the meeting at the date you are appointed, please find someone else to step in for you and inform Rikke Lindhard  

Guidelines for audience

  • Feel free to ask questions to the presenters
  • Please introduce yourself before asking the questions, so the presenter and the audience know who you are and which lab you are from
  • If you are a Group Leader, please make sure to give feedback to the presenters after the meeting (find a checklist for feedback below)