Aarhus University Seal

New employee at DANDRITE

Welcome to DANDRITE!

Join DANDRITE "Newcomer's Club"

Starting in a new lab in a new city and with lots of new people can be overwhelming.
Maybe you will have specific questions like:

  • What do the groups do at DANDRITE?
  • How is the Danish work culture?
  • What nature tours do Aarhus have?
  • How can I spend my leisure time?
  • What happens on Campus?
  • How is the public transportation in Aarhus?
  • Where do I work out?

Then you are not alone.

DANDRITE “Newcomer’s Club” is for newly arrived DANDRITE staff and students. Here you will meet other newcomers to DANDRITE, share experiences and get answers to the many questions that arise when you start in a new place.

The Newcomer’s Club will meet 4 times – once a month – and have lunch. The meetings are thematized in different themes, so we hopefully will cover much of the necessary information you need for your stay at DANDRITE, Aarhus University and in Aarhus.

Digital Welcome to Aarhus University

Get a full overview of AU's structure, history, strategy and all information related to policies and practices in less than 45 minutes.    

AU Introduction Day

All new staff is encouraged to attend the official AU Introduction Day, where you will get an official and general introduction to Aarhus University. You will find out more about Aarhus University as a workplace, get a chance to expand your network and learn about the university’s goals, vision and future. 

New employee at Health or Natural Sciences

Both faculties of Health and Natural Sciences have made a platform for new employees which provides you with a "starter kit" of practical information related to your new workplace. Also, see Aarhus University's webpage with general information for new employees.

Information regarding animal work

All newcomers who are going to work with animals in building 1182 must go through a set of basic user requirements for handling animals before initiating their work in the building.

DANDRITE Staff Portal

DANDRITE has a Staff Portal where you will find a wealth of practical information and links to various tools. You can always access the Staff Portal via the "For Employees" link in the top banner.

For international employees

International Academic Staff (IAS) at Aarhus University

Useful information on pre- and post-arrival to Denmark.    

International Academic Staff Newsletter

One newsletter we especially recommend you signing up for is the International Academic Staff newsletter. The information available in this newsletter concerns news about AU campus, general information for expats in the city of Aarhus, related information for members of the Expat Partner Programme and information for families with children.    

Cultural Awareness workshops

International Academic Staff services offers workshops designed to give you insights into Danish culture, as well as into your own beliefs and stereotypes about culture in general.  

International Community in Aarhus

International Community supports expats and their families during their stay in the Aarhus region. It creates social and professional networks to the benefit of expats through a wide range of events, seminars and online activities.

Do you wish to learn Danish?

If you are interested in learning Danish, there are plenty of opportunities to do so. As an international with an official Danish address (folkeregisteradresse) you can take state supported Danish courses in your residing municipality. The courses are both for you and your accompanying partner and take place either at the language school or at the Aarhus University campus.

Cultural activities

Culture buddies (Kulturkammerater)

Get an intercultural connection or maybe even a new friend - across age, gender and national background - while you gain better knowledge of the culture and leisure scene of Aarhus. Who will join you on your adventure? And where will you go - to ARoS, Den Gamle By (The Old Town) or…? You won’t know before you're sent you off! Find the next Culture Buddy-event at their Facebook-site: "Kulturkammerater".

Free ticket to Musikhuset Aarhus

A limited amount of tickets to Musikhuset Aarhus are released every year to international researchers at Aarhus University. Contact someone from the DANDRITE support team if you (and maybe a collegue?) are interested in a free ticket. 

Recurring events at DANDRITE

DANDRITE Community Meetings (DCM)

Every second Thursday all staff and students meet to give each other updates on the research done at DANDRITE in order to facilitate interaction and collaborations among the groups.   


DANDRITE will host four DANDRITE Lectures per year. Two will be during the spring semester and two will be during the fall semester. Speakers for DANDRITE lectures are specially invited researchers of interest for DANDRITE's researchers regarding collaborations and know-how.   

DANDRITE Topical Seminars

Speakers for DANDRITE Topical Seminars are usually researchers visiting the groups at DANDRITE, for instance for research visits, exams, etc.

Social events

We have a long list of recurring social events at DANDRITE. They are all an important part of our culture and social life. There is the DANDRITE spring party, the DHL relay race, retreats, and a our yearly Christmas get-together, just to mention some of them.