Aarhus University Seal

Olav Andersen

Transport receptors in neurodevelopment and degeneration (TREND)

We are trying to understand the intracellular sorting pathways of VPS10p receptors, and how trafficking defects may underlie Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Research Focus

We are studying the role of sorLA as a neuronal sorting receptor for the Amyloid precursor protein, aiming to determine the mechanisms how sorLA activity protects against AD using biochemistry, cell biology, and animal model systems. Current research focus to understand the regulation of sorLA gene expression, including the correlation between SNPs in the SORL1 gene (encoding sorLA protein) and AD, as well as to understand the physiological function of sorLA in the developing retina.

Available projects

There are currently projects available for Master and PhD students. Please contact Olav Andersen directly for more information, if interested.




No news available.

Group leader Olav Andersen is co-author on a new paper in Nature Communications

Schematic illustrating the role of SORLA in the oncogenic fitness of HER2 in cancer cells
- Research news

A new paper by Pietilä et al. in Nature Communications, coauthored by Olav Andersen in collaboration with the group of Johanna Ivaska from Turku…

Welcome to new student Melanie Lunding in Affiliated Researcher Olav Andersen's group

- OlavAndersen

Melanie Lunding is an undergrad. med. student at AU. She is currently writing her bachelor thesis and preparing an application for a research year…

Julian Colmenarejo is new ERASMUS Intern i Andersen team.

- OlavAndersen

Julian will be assisting Ph.D student Giulia Monti in her work trying to understand the role of novel SORL1 splicing variant in the human brain that…

Cármen Vieira is new Erasmus student in Andersen Group

- People

Carmen Vieira is an Erasmus student from Portugal, who will be working in Olav Andersen’s group from February 5th. She will be working with the SORL1…