The new Group Leader is offered an attractive start package of EUR 1.6M for the first five years and further funding can be expected from national and international funding bodies including a significant presence of private foundations supporting basic and translational research in Denmark.
As Group Leader at DANDRITE you also become affiliated to the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), who hosts about 40 fellows from all over the world representing a broad variety of disciplines. As a DANDRITE-fellow at AIAS you will have access to the AIAS-community and the events and also access to a local workspace together with the other DANDRITE Group Leaders.
DANDRITE is the Danish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, which is a joint venture between the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the Universities of Helsinki/Finland, Oslo/Norway, Umea/Sweden, and Aarhus/Denmark. The Partnership provides joint access to research infrastructures, including databases, facilities, and instrumentation, as well as to clinical materials, networks, and training activities.
Aarhus University holds a thriving Neuroscience-community not least because of the research network NeuroCampus Aarhus that bridges the basic research at the university with the clinical research at the Aarhus University Hospital. The network arranges several events covering research areas ranging from nanotechnology over basic and clinical neuroscience to rehabilitation and cognitive neuroscience. Currently, the number of stakeholders exceeds more than 400 persons.