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Et patent på en helt ny forskningsmetode baner vejen for en revolutionerende behandlingsmetode af Parkinsons-patienter, som kan genoprette bevægelse…
Applications are invited for a one-year postdoc position with possibilities for extension in the field of molecular neurobiology based on in situ…
The primary objective of Sophia's research is to investigate the dynamics of dopamine (DA) release from locus coeruleus
(LC) axons in the hippocampus…
We welcome Julian Alexander Schreiber as visiting postdoc in Poul Nissen's research group from the University of Münster, Germany. Julian will be…
Pick up the latest news from DANDRITE, our research and activities.
Finalising the Spring season of the DANDRITE Community Meetings, DANDRITE hosted a poster session featuring all who has presented at the bi-weekly…
Over the past six years, Professor Yang Dan from the University of California has witnessed DANDRITE evolve into a highly impactful scientific…
Michael Tsz Fung Woo succesfully defended his PhD-thesis titled "The neural representation of sequence in the medial prefrontal cortex" on Monday 17…
We welcome William Batista dos Santos as a new postdoc in Poul Nissen's research group. William will be working with a project, where he combines…
As part of the annual Neuroscience Day, the Neurocampus-network awards the Marco Capogna Prize to a young neuroscience researcher at AU or AUH who…
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