Aarhus University Seal

New project student in Nissen lab

Welcome to Anna Udvari as new project student in Poul Nissen's group, where she will be working with postdoc João Ramos. Anna will be studying the interaction of p75NTR and TROY, protein receptors members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily, and the receptor-interacting protein kinase, RIPK2. p75NTR and TROY are receptors which activate apoptotic pathways in neurons, during brain development and injury. RIPK2 has been shown to induce apoptosis and to interact with p75NTR. Anna will express and purify recombinant p75NTR, TROY and RIPK2 for biophysical and structural studies. Ultimately, cryo-EM will be used to determine the structures of protein complexes to better understand the activation mechanisms of these receptors.