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Sara Sejer Sørensen started 15 August as a new research assistant in Thomas Kim's lab. She will participate in projects using animal models and…
Duda Kvitsiani succeeded in exploring the brain's decision-making system, thereby contributing new knowledge to his field. He could not have achieved…
Ida Kjærsgaard Grene will be a part of Magnus Kjærgaards group from 1st of August as a PhD-student. During her phd she will be working with de novo…
From 1 August, Anissa Hammi is new PhD-student in Professor Poul Henning Jensen's Lab. She will focus on the investigation of the downstream processes…
Laís is a new intern from Nabavi's Laboratory. She is enrolled in a multi-level analysis project involving the mechanisms underlying epigenetic…
Et patent på en helt ny forskningsmetode baner vejen for en revolutionerende behandlingsmetode af Parkinsons-patienter, som kan genoprette bevægelse…
Applications are invited for a one-year postdoc position with possibilities for extension in the field of molecular neurobiology based on in situ…
The primary objective of Sophia's research is to investigate the dynamics of dopamine (DA) release from locus coeruleus
(LC) axons in the hippocampus…
We welcome Julian Alexander Schreiber as visiting postdoc in Poul Nissen's research group from the University of Münster, Germany. Julian will be…
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