Aarhus University Seal

Study opportunities

Tomonori Takeuchi's lab


Example of a current/available student projects (Bachelor/Master/PhD)

(1) Detection of dopamine release from axons of the locus coeruleus in the hippocampus
Novelty enhances memory function, which involves release of dopamine in the hippocampus. We have previously shown that the locus coeruleus is vital for this process.  We now want to elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind this phenomenon.


(2) Identification of plasticity-related proteins in the hippocampus
Retention of memory involves a synaptic tagging and capture mechanism that allows memory stabilization process. This process requires an unknown variety of newly synthesized proteins called ‘plasticity-related proteins’ in the hippocampus. We aim to identify these proteins to further establish our knowledge on retention of our everyday memory.

Lab background:
The Takeuchi laboratory was established in 2017. We are in the process of expanding our activities substantially. We are dedicated to increase our understanding of how the brain handles memory processing. We aim to accomplish this by combining cutting-edge scientific methods with a team of ambitious and motivated scientists.


Behavioral test to study memory function


Fiber photometry

Virus transfection


The successful applicant is:
Ambitiousness and motivation are key factors. A natural curiosity for elucidating the unknown, is also key to make a difference.