Aarhus University Seal

Jensen Group

Neurodegenerative Diseases Laboratory

Our group want to understand how neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body dementia, and multiple systems atrophy develop, progress, and elicit their many symptoms.

We centre our studies on how the protein α-synuclein contributes to these processes because the spread of α-synuclein aggregate-pathology in the tissue plays a central role for these diseases. This is investigated in studies of α-synuclein aggregates in vitro, in cell models, cultures brain slices, live animals and human tissue and involves development of new tools and models.

Research focus

Our aims are: 1) Decipher how cells regulate their pools of α-synuclein species because elevated levels represents a risk factor for disease with projects both at the regulation of α-synuclein transcription and the catabolic pathways for normal and abnormal α-synuclein species. 2) Understand how different folding strains of α-synuclein aggregates develop and cells respond to such aggregated α-synuclein species with respect to cytotoxic and protective mechanisms that can be targeted by therapy. 3) Understand how cells suffering from development of intracellular α-synuclein aggregates affects their surrounding tissue and connected neurons contributing to spreading of pathology and development of neurological/psychiatric symptoms.

Currently specific projects focuses on i) α-synucleins role in calcium regulation with a focus on calcium pumps in the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane, ii) signalling pathways regulating transcription of α-synuclein and degradation of its native and aggregated species, iii) characterization of oligomeric and fibrillar α-synuclein aggregates, iv) development and application of proximity ligation assays to uncover novel α-synuclein pathology in human brain tissue, v) in vivo mouse studies focussing on modelling and mechanisms involved in disease progression and how they can be inhibited pharmacologically.

Available projects

The Jensen group currently has projects available for Master and PhD students. Please contact Group Leader Poul Henning Jensen directly, if interested.



Previous news from the research group


Hjalte Gram is new masterstudent in Jensen Group

- People

Hjalte is new masterstudent in Poul Henning Jensen's group from August 15th. He is going to study  gene expression related to the Calcium changes that…

Poul Henning Jensen's group publish finding of novel pathway regulating α-synuclein levels in brain

- Research news

The title of the paper is: Polo-like kinase 2 modulates α-synuclein protein levels by regulating its mRNA production

DANDRITE attended this year's Festival of Research in Aarhus on April 27

- Events

As usual DANDRITE attended the Festival of Research. It was a busy and enjoyable day where group leaders and students from DANDRITE demonstrated their…

Prof. Poul Henning Jensen receives DKK 1.500.000

- Research news

Prof. Poul Henning Jensen receives DKK 1.500.000 as research partner in the IMPRIND consortium to a research project with the main goal of modelling…

New AU research has the perspective to stop Parkinson's disease

Professor, dr.med. Poul Henning Jensen. Foto: AU Foto.
- Research news

The Lundbeck Foundation is giving DKK 10 million to a new research project at Aarhus University which will study critical calcium changes in the nerve…

Linnea Meier is new student assistant in Jensen Group

- People

Linnea Meier started as student assistant in Jensen Group from February 7th. Linnea is studying Molecular Medicine on 2. semester at Aarhus…

Poul Henning Jensen and Mark Denham received the Danish Parkinsons association Grant

- Research news

Mark Denham got a grant for the project "Combining stem cells and novel bioactive scaffolds to develop new Parkinson Disease therapies" while Poul…

New publication from Poul Henning Jensen's - Phosphorylated a-synuclein in Parkinson's disease: correlation depends on disease severity

- Research news

Phosphorylation of a-synuclein on serine 129 is closely linked to Parkinson’s disease. This clinical study critically studies the relation of…

New publication from Poul Henning Jensen's group - Identification of Synaptosomal Proteins Binding to Monomeric and Oligomeric alpha-Synuclein

- Research news

In this proteomic study we have identified those proteins in nerveterminals (synaptosomes) that preferentially bind to alpha-synuclein in its normal…