Aarhus University Seal

Denham Group

Denham group - Stem Cells

The Denham lab focuses on developing cell transplantation therapies for neurological disorders using human pluripotent stem cells. The lab has pioneered the development of lineage restriction as a novel method for controlling stem cell differentiation. Lineage restriction involves genetically restricting the pluripotent stem cell’s ability to differentiate down unwanted lineages. They achieve this by knocking out transcriptional regulators critical for specifying alternate lineages. They call these cells lineage-restricted undifferentiated stem cells (LR-USCs).

Developing Lineage Restricting Stem Cells for a Parkinson’s Disease Cell Therapy

Current state-of-the-art differentiation protocols result in only a minor percentage of the transplanted cells becoming dopaminergic neurons. To address this, the lab developed LR-USCs that robustly generate mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons under a broad range of differentiation conditions. These LR-USCs efficiently and reliably generate dopaminergic neurons, making them ideal for large-scale clinical production. In addition to developing LR-USCs for Parkinson’s disease, the lab is applying this approach to create LR-USCs specialized for generating other cell types for various diseases. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.28.462222

Projects for Master and ERASMUS students currently available

If interested, please contact Group Leader Mark Denham directly (mden@biomed.au.dk) for further information. See further information on projects here (PDF)


Previous news from the research group


Mark Denham’s Group Leader extension approved

- MarkDenham

Congratulations to Mark Denham, who has had his group leader contract extended until December 2019.

Mark Denham receives DKK 120,000 from Bjarne Saxhofs Foundation facilitated by the Parkinsons Association

- MarkDenham

Mark Denham receives DKK 120,000 for the project: : "A novel Stem Cell model for Parkinson’s disease: Investigating genetic and environmental…

Fadumo Mohamed is new master student in Denham Group

- People

Fadumo Mohamed is new master student in Mark Denham's group from September 11th. She is a danish student from Aalborg university but she will work…

Michaela Orlová is new ERASMUS student in Denham Group

- People

Michaela is new ERASMUS student in Mark Denham’s group from September 4th. She will be working with Parkinson’s diseased iPSC derived…

DANDRITE attended this year's Festival of Research in Aarhus on April 27

- Events

As usual DANDRITE attended the Festival of Research. It was a busy and enjoyable day where group leaders and students from DANDRITE demonstrated their…

Poul Henning Jensen and Mark Denham received the Danish Parkinsons association Grant

- Research news

Mark Denham got a grant for the project "Combining stem cells and novel bioactive scaffolds to develop new Parkinson Disease therapies" while Poul…

New publication from Mark Denham's group - Enteric Neural Cells from Hirschsprung Disease Patients form Ganglia in Autologous Aneuronal Colon Muscle Tissue

- Research news

In collaboration with the Newgreen laboratory at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Australia. Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is caused by failure…

Top team of Group leaders now complete at DANDRITE

- People

DANDRITE’s aim of appointing five top researchers as Group leaders has just become a reality with the appointment of Dr Sadegh Nabavi, whose research…

New publication from Mark Denham's group - Multipotent caudal neural progenitors derived from human pluripotent stem cells that give rise to lineages of the central and peripheral nervous system

- Research news

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) can be directed into most cell types of the body. Our aim is to understand the signalling pathways that are…