Aarhus University Seal

Alumni from Sun Group

Lotta Nele tom Dieck

Bachelor Student from January 2024 to March 2024 in Chao Sun's group.  
Email: lotta@tomdieck.de
New Affiliation: Bachelor student at the Brehm Group of the Institute for molecular biology and tumor research (IMT, Philipps University Marburg) until September 2024. Afterwards, she will start my master studies in the IMPRS program "Molecular Biology" at the University of Göttingen.   

Markus Ørnsvig Christensen

Bachelor Student from February 2024 to May 2024 in Chao Sun's group.  

New Affiliation: Markus will continue his studies on the Master 'Molecular Biology' and will return for his Master thesis in the synaptic logistic lab