Aarhus University Seal


Mysteries of Memory and Forgetting

An event series at the Danish Science Festival

On April 19th we kick-started ‘The Danish Research Festival’ with a unique event that combined scientific knowledge and artistic expression. Together with Assistant Professor Andrea Moreno from DANDRITE, participants learned how the brain creates and loses memory in an engaging seminar. Afterwards, a plenary session was held discussing ideas about memory. Finally, participants learned how to paint neurons (brain cells) using watercolours. Below you can see pictures from the event and some of the creative and beautiful art works that were produced. Thank you to all who participated and thank you to Forsknings Døgn for co-funding the events. 

Meet the scientist and artist behind the idea

The workshop is created by Assistant Professor Andrea Moreno who is a neuroscientist at DANDRITE - the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience - a research center hosted by Aarhus University and funded by the Lundbeck Foundation. Andrea is also an active visual artist and her art and science early on intertwined: "Throughout my academic pursuits, I have become enamored with the delicate elegance of neural cells, their synaptic connections, and the profound significance they hold in shaping our memories and experiences. This fascination has compelled me to explore how art can serve as a medium to express the complex interplay between ourselves and our memories." Visit Andrea Moreno's website to learn more about her inspiration and see more examples of her art. 

Contact information

For practical questions or other inquiries please contact administrative support: Astrid Munk, asmu@dandrite.au.dk