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The Lundbeck Foundation is awarding grants worth DKK 232 million (USD 34 million) to six leading neuroscientists. The LF Professorships programme is…
Professor Marco Capogna has been awarded 3.5 mio. DKK from Lundbeckfonden & NIH BRAIN Initiative for a research project on the role of GABAergic…
The graduate course “Understanding Neuroscience 2019” has been successfully attended by international speakers, local lecturers and 20 PhD/master…
Associate Professor and DANDRITE affiliated researcher Marina Romero-Ramos have received grants from the Danish Parkinson Foundation…
Prof. Thomas Willnow has been awarded a DKK 50 mio. Novo Nordisk Foundation Laurate grant and will start at Department of Biomedicine on 1 December…
DANDRITE Core Group Leader Poul Henning Jensen and his research group have received a 100000 $ grant from the Michael J Fox Foundation
IDNC Annual Report 2018 – 2019
Gülberk Bayraktar is a new student intern in the Takeuchi Lab. Gülberk is in Aarhus as part of her translational neuroscience master study at the…
Associate Professor Christian B. Vægter and Professor Poul Henning Jensen have received a 280000 DKK grant from the Danish Parkinson’s Foundation.
The article is entitled: "Generation of eight human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from Parkinson's disease patients carrying familial…
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