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Gene Transfer in Rodent Nervous Tissue Following Hindlimb Intramuscular Delivery of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Serotypes AAV2/6, AAV2/8, and…
Associate Professor Olav Andersen from Aarhus University and his colleagues from abroad have received a grant of DKK 9.5 million from a joint EU…
Bijayalaxmi will be working with Neuronal control of sexual dimorphic acoustic signaling behavior during Drosophila reproduction. And the study of the…
Bodda, called Chiru, started as an assistant professor in Anders Nykjær's group on 1 December. He will be studying the molecular mechanisms by which…
Lilian started as an assistant professor in Anders Nykjær's group on 2 January. She will be working on unravelling the cellular and intracellular…
Charlott Stock has been employed as postdoctoral fellow in Poul Nissen’s research group from start January 2020. Charlott will be working on…
As part of the joint Nordic EMBL Partnership call for PhD students, we are seeking outstanding candidates for PhD positions at DANDRITE, FIMM, NCMM…
The Lundbeck Foundation is awarding grants worth DKK 232 million (USD 34 million) to six leading neuroscientists. The LF Professorships programme is…
Professor Marco Capogna has been awarded 3.5 mio. DKK from Lundbeckfonden & NIH BRAIN Initiative for a research project on the role of GABAergic…
The graduate course “Understanding Neuroscience 2019” has been successfully attended by international speakers, local lecturers and 20 PhD/master…
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