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Mark Denham has received a 100,000 DKK grant from the Danish Parkinson's foundation (Parkinsonforeningen) for the project titled: Identifying Genetic…
Noemi Mermet-Joret continues as postdoc in Group Leader Sadegh Nabavi's group per 29 October 2019 until end October 2021. Noemi is working with…
In relation to her bachelor project she will, under supervision of Keisuke, perform experiments to examine the function of the Vax2 gene in the retina…
The article is entitled: "Transcriptomic Profiling of Porcine Pluripotency Identifies Species-specific Reprogramming Requirements for Culturing…
The article is entitled: "Effective concentrations enforced by intrinsically disordered linkers are governed by polymer physics". Click here to read…
DANDRITE Affiliated Researcher, Christian Vægter, has received a grant that supports his research in chronic nerve pain.
Kristoffer recently returned to the group from a year in Morris’ lab in Edinburgh, where he did in vivo studies of hippocampus-dependent memory in…
The title of the article is: Spatiotemporally Asymmetric Excitation Supports Mammalian Retinal Motion Sensitivity”. Find it here.
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