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As of 1 March Benedicte will be taking over Jette’s tasks in Poul Henning Jensen's group which are both administrative and experimental. The…
Assistant Professors Nelson Ferreira and Nádia Pereira Gonçalves from Poul Henning Jensen and Christian Bjerggaard Vægter laboratories, respectively,…
View DANDRITE Group Leader Mark Denham introduce the MiCO Platform Project and its aim in this video. The MiCO Platform Project is one of the first…
Postdoc Thibaud Dieudonné from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University receives the highly prestigious Marie…
In this feature, Emil Gregersen, PhD student from Poul Henning Jensen's group, sheds a light on the field of research of his PhD, and the skills and…
The grant extends the ambitious neuroscience research initiative in Denmark and provides DANDRITE with the opportunity to continue until 2028. The…
DANDRITE Group Leader Mark Denham is part of the team behind the MiCO Platform project aiming to develop an alternative to the animal models currently…
Sofie Møller Bonde Larsen is new Laboratory technician trainee in the groups of Nissen, Kjærgaard, and Poulsen.
Mads B. Nielsen is new Laboratory technician trainee in the groups of Nissen, Kjærgaard, and Poulsen.
Simon Arvin, who is Student Worker in Yonehara Group, has been awarded Health’s Student Research Prize 2021 for his project titled: “EyeLoop – an…
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