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The paper reports two genome-wide significant loci and potential risk genes with inherent roles in neurodevelopment including SIM1 and PRDM13. You can…
Ea Jensen is studying Molecular Medicine and is joining the Nykjær group for one year as of February 1st. Ea has received a scholarship stipend from…
Two group leader positions in Molecular and Translational Neuroscience are available at the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience -…
Rune Nguyen Rasmussen and Akihiro Matsumoto et al. from Keisuke Yonehara’s lab have published a paper entitled “Binocular integration of retinal…
Emily Carlsen Pheasant will continue her work in Kjærgaard group as PhD student per 1 February.
In this feature, Rune Nguyen Rasmussen, PhD student from Keisuke Yonehara’s group, sheds a light on the field of research of his PhD, and the skills…
Purpose: to create interdisciplinary projects across departmental boundaries and open up for new collaborations at AU and with industry.
Associate Professor Magnus Kjærgaard participates in a new consortium, BOUNDLESS, headed by Associate Professor Frans Mulder and funded by the…
Marina Romero-Ramos' lab has also published a paper entitled: "Soluble CD163 Changes Indicate Monocyte Association With Cognitive Deficits in…
The paper by Marina Romero-Ramos' lab was made in collaboration with PH Jensen and the PET Centre at Aarhus University Hospital.
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