Aarhus University Seal

PURE - your university profile

Find your PURE profile here

Search for your name in the AU database and follow the link in your name

Login to your PURE website here

Guide to how to edit your PURE profile

What to update in your PURE profile

You are requested to keep your PURE profile updated with all your publications and activities (such as meeting and conference participation, invited speaker, etc.), starting from your employment date at Aarhus University. It is especially important that all peer reviewed papers (including phd reports) are registered, as peer reviewed papers are an important parameter for the distribution of basic research support between universities.

Deadline: Please update your PURE profile with publications before 1 February every year

Please keep your photo updated, since the staff lists on the DANDRITE website gets the contact and photo directly from your PURE profile. If you would like to have a new profile photo taken, please just inform the DANDRITE administration who can take a new one on the spot.

You are encouraged to make a link to your group website, or the group you belong to, since the units “DANDRITE – xxxx group” in your PURE profiles point to www.au.dk (our main organizational unit), and this unfortunately cannot be changed at the moment.
See quick guide on how to edit your personal homepage

Updates for your contact information should be reported to Maria Thykær Jensen, who will updated it on your behalf. The contact info is the only part you cannot edit directly yourself since this is entered in the AU person-database.

Why it is important your PURE profile is updated

It is very much appreciated and encouraged that you keep your PURE profile updated. Not only because the DANDRITE website depends on it for your updated contact and photo, but also your own, since your PURE profile is often the first website people find if they google-search you.