Aarhus University Seal

Newsletters & mailing lists

There are many very good seminar series as well as newsletters with relevant information at Aarhus University, and it is recommend that you sign up to keep yourself updated. Find below a list of some of the most relevant mailing lists that you are encouraged to sign up for.

DANDRITE mailing list

DANDRITE sends out monthly newsletters to staff, students, and external receivers.
Previous newsletters can be found here, where also external subscribers can sign up for the newsletter.

Newsletter from the International Center at Aarhus University

All international staff and students, as well as anybody interested in social events in Aarhus, are very much encorauged to sign up for the newsletter offered by the International Centre at Aarhus University:

International academic staff newsletter:

Newsletter from EMBL

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the world’s leading research institutions, and Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences. EMBL's newsletter "Etcetera" is bringing news, events and announcements of interest to EMBL staff and alumni. The newsletter welcomes submissions and letters from the EMBL community. It is published bi-monthly.

Recommended mailing lists at Aarhus University

Newsletter & seminar announcements from Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics
Find newsletters here

Staff and students affiliated Biomedicine can sign up for receiving MBG newsletters and seminar announcements by writing to Lisbeth Heilesen (lh@mbg.au.dk)

Research Support Office
The Research Support Office publishes a newsletter about monthly.

NeuroCampus mailing list
Mailing list for announcements of upcoming neuro-related events and seminars.
Sign up for receiving NeuroCampus announcements by writing to Henriette Blæsild Vuust (henry@cfin.au.dk)
News and events can also be seen here.

Research Support Office
The Research Support Office publishes a newsletter about monthly.

Newsletter & seminar announcements from the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO)
Sign up for receiving iNANO newsletter here

Mailing list for newsletter & seminar announcements from Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS)
See sign up information here

Newsletter from Faculty of Health
Sign up to receive this newsletter here

Newsletter from Faculty of Natural Sciences
Sign up to receive this newsletter here