Aarhus University Seal

Associated researchers

The DANDRITE core research structure comprises a critical mass of five EMBL model Group Leaders (GL), four Senior Group Leaders (SGL), and an administrative unit. Furthermore, DANDRITE associates other researchers through two different instruments:

i) Affiliated Researchers (AR)
ii) Team Leaders (TL)

Associate Membership is a strategic tool for constituting and strengthening a broad neuroscience community within and around DANDRITE at AU and AUH. Further, associate membership complements DANDRITE research areas for mutual benefit bringing together senior and junior researchers across faculties.

Aspiration for TL or AR status must be addressed to the DANDRITE steering committee with a concise motivation letter (submitted to the DANDRITE director, one page maximum)Approval of the request for TL or AR status is done by the DANDRITE steering committee and reported to the executive board. The approval of new appointments is followed by a presentation at a DANDRITE Community Meeting.

Definition of Team leader (TL)

A maximum of four TL can be associated with DANDRITE as a Team leader (TL). TLs must have an independent research programme within the fields of molecular, cellular, and translational neuroscience at a top level.  They must complement infrastructural or research-oriented strategies in DANDRITE. A TL holds a non-tenured junior group leader position/assistant professorship/tenure track professorship at Aarhus University (AU). The appointment as DANDRITE TL is for 3 years with possible extensions for a total of maximum 8 years.

DANDRITE TL status is concluded earlier if a permanent position at the associate professor level is obtained and may then continue the current year out. After that, it is possible to apply for affiliated researcher status. Salaries and general running expenses are not funded by DANDRITE.

TLs have access to the DANDRITE infrastructure (expertise and equipment) and administrative support on similar terms as group leaders.

TLs participate in the monthly Extended Business Meetings, bi-weekly community meetings, monthly group leader lunches, workshops, and DANDRITE-financed activities such as SAB meetings, Retreats, and The Nordic EMBL Partnership Meetings. Further, TLs qualify as applicants for NORPOD proposals.

See list of current Team Leaders here

Definition of DANDRITE Affiliated Researcher (AR)

A maximum of 10-12 AR can be associated as a DANDRITE Affiliated Researcher (AR). AR is (typically) an AU researcher with a permanent position and with a close research association to at least one DANDRITE GL (e.g. through joint grants/research centers, shared facilities, and/or common research interests). Former DANDRITE GLs may enter as affiliated researchers by request if they are in temporary or permanent positions at Aarhus University after ending their GL contract. AR has qualifications and positions at the associated professor level or higher.

The group of AR constitutes a broad and clear neuroscience profile that strengthens the environment around DANDRITE group leaders. Further, AR forms a nucleus for electrifying the neuroscience environment in and around DANDRITE. The affiliation may also serve to strengthen strategic infrastructures that are of key importance to DANDRITE.

The appointment as AR is for 3 years (the procedure is outlined above). Reappointment is based on a mutually renewed expression of interest and approval by the DANDRITE steering committee.

Mutual expectations:

For projects associated with DANDRITE, AR and their groups have access to DANDRITE research infrastructures (expertise and equipment) on similar terms as group leaders. AR are free to join the monthly group leader lunch meetings and encouraged to participate with their groups in the bi-weekly community meetings, workshops, and DANDRITE ENCOUNTERS, etc. Further, AR may participate by invitation to DANDRITE-financed activities such as SAB meetings, Retreats, and The Nordic EMBL Partnership Meetings. AR can represent DANDRITE on collaborative initiatives, such as international networks, and AR may use the branding value of The Nordic EMBL partnership (and EMBL). Further, AR is represented by a spokesperson at the monthly Extended Business Meetings. AR group members can benefit from being a part of the DANDRITE community and have the opportunity to enter the association for PhD students and postdocs at DANDRITE (Called YODA).

It is expected that AR will contribute to the mission of DANDRITE as a talent development program within neuroscience and support DANDRITE group leaders by engaging in and initiating DANDRITE activities. AR takes an active part in the community and the lab of the AR is invited to present their research at DANDRITE bi-weekly community meetings. AR is available as mentors for DANDRITE GLs and TLs and for taking part in assessment committees of DANDRITE recruitments, and scientific committees for planning symposia and conferences such as DANDRITE SAB and Retreat and The Nordic EMBL Partnership Meetings. Further, AR may take the lead on relevant networks e.g. with EMBL or other stakeholders.

See list of current Affiliated Researchers here