Aarhus University Seal

Study opportunities

Hanne Poulsen's lab

Lab background:
In the group, we study membrane proteins important for neuronal signaling and transport in order to understand their basic mechanisms and the physiological consequences it has if they do not function optimally.

Available projects:

  • Understanding why one specific mutation in a Na,K-ATPase gene causes CAPOS, a disease where the patients lose sight and hearing, ranging from a molecular characterization of the affected protein to physiological and circuit studies of a mouse model of the disease
  • Characterization of the GABA transporter using voltage-clamp fluorometry with an unnatural fluorescent amino acid
  • Mechanistic insight into the Na,K-ATPase using electrophysiology and voltage-clamp fluorometry
  • Investigating the regulation of NMDA receptors and their roles in memory formation

We use electrophysiological methods to study membrane proteins that produce a current when active, including voltage-clamp fluorometry, where protein movements are correlated with protein activity with millisecond resolution. In addition to the electrophysiological techniques, we use general molecular biology techniques (cloning, Western blotting, cell culture work, cellular/slice staining), and we will be performing a number of motor and sensory tests on the mouse model.  

The successful applicant is:
Students with an interest in molecular biology and neuroscience with a background in natural sciences or medicine are warmly welcomed. Feel free to call (30254065)/mail (hp@mb.au.dk)/stop by the office (building 3130, room 1.01) to have a chat about your interests and the possibilities. 

 Please contact Team Leader Hanne Poulsen directly, if interested.