Aarhus University Seal

Join DANDRITE as a student

DANDRITE Group leaders accept project students in neuroscience - please contact us

The research groups at DANDRITE offer projects for Aarhus University students of different duration and level, such as

  • MSc projects for science and molecular medicine students, 
  • "Project research year" for medical students
  • Experimental course projects and BSc projects
  • We also offer short term projects for visiting students and ERASMUS students
  • Students interested in other interactions of neuroscience (e.g. mentorship on exchange programs) are also encouraged to contact us

These are general, running calls and please inquire Group leaders and Team leaders for current opportunities. Some projects are listed below. Ideas for projects are also welcomed!

Meet our students

What does a day in the laboratory look like? Andreas started as a Master's student in Nabavi Lab. Today he is a research assistant. Here he takes you behind the scenes of a day in the lab.
What does a day in the laboratory look like? Mia is a medical student working with research in Parkinson's disease. Here she takes you behind the scenes of her work in the lab.

Currently available projects