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The research work by Nádia P Gonçalves, from the Vægter’s lab, recently published in “Glia” was now selected for the journal cover page of the…
The paper by Nádia P Gonçalves and Christian Vægter, in collaboration with Jørgen Kjems from iNano, is entitled: "Modulation of Small RNA Signatures…
Research projects by DANDRITE Group Leader Mark Denham and Affiliated Researcher Jørgen Kjems have been selected for funding by ODIN - the Open…
Group Leader Keisuke Yonehara has been awarded one more grant from the Lundbeck Foundation. The Lundbeck Foundation has granted Keisuke with 3,000,000…
Keisuke Yonehara has been awarded the Novo Nordisk Foundation Exploratory Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme with 4.996.374 DKK for 3 years from 1…
In recent years, advances in hardware and software have paved the way for the current growth of the application of cryogenic electron microscopy…
She will assist in the Novelty Induced Memory Boost research project under Tomonori Takeuchi's team. She is really excited to see how working with…
Postdoc Lasse Reimer from Poul Henning Jensen's group has been awarded the Danish Parkinson’s foundation ”Young Scientist Award 2020” for his work on…
Keisuke Yonehara has been awarded a Novo Nordisk Project Grant in Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine 2020 with DKK 2.459.520 for 3 years, entitled…
Congratulations to Mark Denham and Poul Henning Jensen who both have been awarded a grant from the Danish Parkinson’s foundation.
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