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The Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience and the Danish Node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership
Researchers at DANDRITE perform basic and translational research at highest international level in brain an the nervous system.
Sara Sejer Sørensen started 15 August as a new research assistant in Thomas Kim's lab. She will participate in projects using animal models and…
Duda Kvitsiani succeeded in exploring the brain's decision-making system, thereby contributing new knowledge to his field. He could not have achieved…
Ida Kjærsgaard Grene will be a part of Magnus Kjærgaards group from 1st of August as a PhD-student. During her phd she will be working with de novo…
From 1 August, Anissa Hammi is new PhD-student in Professor Poul Henning Jensen's Lab. She will focus on the investigation of the downstream processes…
This fall Erika will join Chao Sun's lab as a part of her studies. The primary focus for Erika will be working on local calcium homeostasis at…
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