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DANDRITE hosts new international symposium on brain's molecular mechanisms

For the first time in DANDRITE’s history, our group leaders will host a major international symposium showcasing some of the center’s outstanding research. It takes place from 20-21 August and registration is now open.

This symposium will explore how the brain regulates and adapts genetic and molecular processes to facilitate exceptional information processing and memory storage. Bringing together world leaders in their fields, the event will delve into the intricate orchestration of gene regulation, expression, protein dynamics, and their adaptation within neural circuits.

Engaging the community of neuroscience experts

With an impressive lineup of internationally renowned speakers and dedicated networking opportunities, the symposium welcomes participants from around the world, including senior researchers, as well as talented postdoctoral fellows and PhD students with a passion for the molecular mechanisms underlying brain function.

We have brought together some of the most influential voices in neuroscience. Meet our keynote speakers:

  • Michael Greenberg, Nathan Marsh Pusey Professor of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School, USA.
    Michael Greenberg is a Brain Prize laureate and a pioneer in the field of gene expression in the brain
  • Elly Nedivi, Professor of Neuroscience at the Picower Institute for Learning & Memory, Depts. of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, and Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
    Elly Nedivi is an internationally renowned neuroscientist whose research has revolutionized our understanding of structural plasticity in the adult brain.
  • Anne Schaefer, Professor at Mount Sinai, New York and director of the Department of Neurobiology of Aging at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging.
    Anne Schaefer investigates the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying neuronal longevity and the processes that drive brain aging. 
  • Alex Schier, Professor of Cell Biology and the Director of the Biozentrum University of Basel, Switzerland.
    Alex Schier is a pioneer in developmental genetics and single-cell analysis. 

The symposium takes places from 20-21 August at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies at Aarhus University.