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The Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience and the Danish Node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership
Researchers at DANDRITE perform basic and translational research at highest international level in brain an the nervous system.
From 1st of September Frederik Holde Rasmussen is new Research Assistant in Anna Klawonn's group.
He will be working on Parkinson's Disease and…
A grant of DKK 1,5 million is awarded postdoc Lasse Reimer and his entrepreneurial research project in Parkinson's Disease.
Researchers at Aarhus University are the first to identify the specific cell group in the brain that plays a central role in our ability to…
Learning and memory are not as straightforward as once thought. New research from DANDRITE shows that experiences that are not directly relevant to a…
André Walter starts the 15 August as new Center Manager on a part time basis. He will help managing PROMEMO while Susanne Schousboe Sjøgaard is on a…
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For the final DANDRITE Community Meeting this fall we will be hosting a POSTER SESSION with all the presentations of the semester.
The LFIN Neuroscience Winter School aims to give Danish university students, who hold a particular passion and enthusiasm for neuroscience, an…
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