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Researchers at DANDRITE perform basic and translational research at highest international level in brain an the nervous system.
Calls are open! Application deadline: 24 January 2025
Parents@Nat-AU is a newly established network for pregnant/parent-to-be researchers and researchers with young children (nursery/kindergarten) who…
Stay tuned for the upcoming launch of the next NORPOD Postdoctoral Programme in molecular medicine, offering research opportunities in the Nordics.…
Teodor-Adrian Chiper is a new student in Klawonn Lab. He studies Cognitive Science and as part of Anna's lab he will be working on glia-neuron…
Give a warm welcome to Martin Deneken Mortensen who have joined Gilles Vanwalleghem's lab during his Bachelor project this fall. He is doing a…
“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”
This quote, often attributed to great leaders like Confucius, perfectly…
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Initiatives meant to create gender balance in companies tend to become only a project for women. However, men are just as much a part of the solution…
Introductory webinar on Unconscious Bias – key insights and guide to actions
In this webinar founder and author, Heidi R. Andersen, will dive into the dos and don’ts of accelerating gender balance and how you create a cultural…
30-minute introductory webinar on developing an understanding of how to celebrate diversity.
In today’s global workplace, cultural intelligence is essential for effective communication, collaboration, and leadership. Join our free 30-minute…
You will get an introduction to tools and strategies that empower every member of your team. By understanding and accommodating the diverse strengths…
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