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Researchers at DANDRITE perform basic and translational research at highest international level in brain an the nervous system.
Calls are open! Application deadline: 24 January 2025
Researchers have added a special tagging method to the traditional technique, increasing the sample size nearly fivefold when detecting newly…
Tobias Bruun Viftrup is a medical student and joins the Jensen lab in his spare time, where he will work proximity ligation assays to detect early…
The EU has awarded funding to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network project BICEPS, aimed at bridging the fields of immunology and neuroscience…
Saturday November 2nd 2024, the Danish Parkinson’s Association held its annual research event, highlighting current research in Parkinson's disease.…
We welcome Amanda Muñoz Juan as a new postdoc in Gilles Vanwalleghem’s group. Amanda joins the group within the NORPOD postdoctoral program. This…
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International Community and Forening Samværd have joined forces to create a fun monthly playdate for babies and toddlers, while parents socialize over…
The RSO is hosting an information meeting on the funding possibilities within the European Research Council. Everyone who wants to learn more about…
On this Meet Your Club we thought it would be great to visit the grand cultural power house in the center of Aarhus called Godsbanen. Perhaps you have…
Dr. Julia Mahamid from EMBL Heidelberg, Germany will be joining us for a seminar. Seminar title and abstract TBA.
Thesis title: “Neuronal functions elucidated by electron microscopy – from calcium transport to the Axon Initial Segment”. More information will be…
In today’s workplace, five generations often work side by side, bringing diverse perspectives, experiences, and expectations. These differences can…
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