Aarhus University Seal

World-renowned cardiologist appointed honorary doctor at Health

Professor Katja Zeppenfeld is among the world’s most influential researchers within the field of electrophysiology and now she is an honorary doctor at Health as well. Katja Zeppenfeld is one of five honorary doctors appointed in connection with AU’s annual celebration.

Professor Katja Zeppenfeld skriver sig ind i rækken af internationalt anerkendte forskere, som er blevet hædret med AU’s æresdoktortitel siden den første udpegelse i 1946. Foto: Privat

Katja Zeppenfeld is a professor of clinical electrophysiology and head of the clinical electrophysiology research and treatment centre in Leiden, The Netherlands. She is one of just a handful of female elite researchers within cardiology, and she is widely recognised as one of the top three researchers within electrophysiology in the world. She publishes in leading cardiology journals and is one of the most widely cited researchers in the field.

The newly appointed honorary doctor has contributed to the development of new methods of ablation, a procedure for the treatment of abnormal heart rhythms - or arrhythmias - that uses either heating or freezing of the abnormal tissue causing the arrhythmia. She has developed new procedures that combine cardiac-magnetic resonance with ablation, which improves outcomes for patients with arrhythmias.

Zeppenfeld is affiliated with the Department of Cardiology at Aarhus University Hospital where she plays a central role by contributing with her extensive clinical experience in ablation of ventricular tachycardia - a life-threatening arrythmia caused by abnormal electrical activity in the lower chambers of the heart. This specialisation is of high priority at the department, as the number of patients suffering from this condition is on the rise.

Se all the honorary doctors at AU on the university’s website


Honorary doctor and professor Katja Zeppenfeld
Aarhus University, Deptartment of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Heart Disease
Phone: (+31) 71 526 9111
Mail: k.zeppenfeld@lumc.nl