Aarhus University Seal


Wednesday April 2, from 3 pm to 5 pm at AU Conference Center, Meeting Room 2, First floor, Building 1421, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C (next to the Student House).

Photo: Colourbox

The Danish Agency for Labour Retention & International Recruitment and the Danish Immigration Service will give information on Work and Residence permits for foreigners (non-EU/EEA-citizen) currently residing in Denmark. The presentation is especially relevant for non-EU/EEA-citizens and is aimed at professors, postdocs, PhD students and guests.

Sign up required by Monday 31 March by 12 noon - sign up here.

The presentation will touch upon:

  • How to avoid having the work- and residence permit revoked during stays abroad
  • Extension of permits
  • What to be aware of if you are changing job or position
  • Accompanying family or if you are having children while you are residing in Denmark
  • The Greencard-scheeme
  • Permanent residence and work-permit