Aarhus University Seal


Signe Vogel, PhD fellow, investigates injustices pertaining to knowledge at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, with a focus on the gendered dimension as to whose knowledge counts. The talk takes place 3.00-4.00 PM on June 19th, 2023 in Beredskabsrum J103-220, Entrance J, AUH NORD.

Signe Vogel, PhD fellow, investigates injustices pertaining to knowledge at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, with a focus on the gendered dimension as to whose knowledge counts.

In Denmark a disproportionate number of female researchers never make it to the top levels of the academic hierarchy. In 2018 women comprised around 50% of the PhD-students at the Danish universities but only 34% were associate professors and only 23% were professors. This shortage of female researchers has the effect of favoring white males’ perspective and influence in science, meaning that we need to investigate our scientific institutions as sites and sources of “epistemic injustice” i.e., injustice related to knowledge.

Signe Vogel and co. aims to shed light on systemic and institutional factors that perpetuate gender discrimination and inequality and help create more just and equitable ways of knowing in the future.